Chemical formulation and mixing
For making nutrient aqua solution required chemical amount and the technique is described bellow:
Amount of chemical element (for 1000 liter water)
Chemical nutrient                               
Potassium  hydrogen phosphate(KH­2PO4)
270 g
Potassium nitrate(KNO3)
580 g
Calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2.4H2O)
1000 g
Magnesium sulpate (MgSO4.7H2O)
510 g
80 g
Manganese sulphate (MgSO4.4H2O)
6.10 g
Boric acid (H3BO3)
1.80 g
Cupper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O)
0.40 g
Ammonium molibdate  (NH4)6 O24.4H2O
0.38 g
Zinc sullphate (ZnSO4.7H2O)
0.44 g

Mixing procedure
At the time of preparing nutrient solution precaution should be maintained. At first we have to prepare the stock solution. For making this stock solution calcium nitrate and EDTA iron is measured and diluted in 10 liter water ,this prepared stock solution in known as solution A . Other chemicals are mixed in 10 liter water and prepare solution B.
For making 1000 liter solution first 1000liter water tank is filed with water. Then from stock solution A 10 liter solution was taken in the tank and mixed with the help of any non metallic rod .next from stock solution B ,10 liter  solution was taken in the tank and mixed carefully just like before.


  1. Where can i get those chemical in the local market? Is there any shop in dhaka? can you give me the contact address for that shop? Hope you'll help me. Thanks in advance.

  2. Dear Apurba, Thanks for your nice blog on hydroponic in Bangladesh. Can you tell us where to buy those chemicals available in Dhaka? Any specific shop name?

  3. Please mail me from where can i get all type of fertilizer.
